Palm Sunday Wrap Up

Hey Chosen Family! 🖤💛

March has been such an amazing month and the women came forth full throttle! God has been meeting us each week!

As we are in Holy Week, leading into Resurrection Sunday, the question was asked during pregame, if there was one word you could use to describe Resurrection, what comes to mind? LISTEN, when I tell you the words that were given had me ready to skip a few steps! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna! (A Plea for Deliverance) Other words such as Jesus, y, Slain, Risen, Freedom and Peace! Whew Jesus! Praise God! Let us know what word you would use!

The Word went forth again this last Sunday and God saturated the place as we had souls lined up on the altar to give their lives to Christ and to rededicate. It was a blessing to see God move.

Our guest, Elder Daquawna Dunnican came forth with a word that blessed so many! “Leave Her Alone, She’s Preparing for Jesus!” When it comes to worship before God, you can’t concern yourselves with anything other than fulfilling the mandate that God has given you in the moment to pour out to HIM!

The scriptures in John 12 showed Mary doing what was needed and pleasing to God in that moment! Her focused wasn’t on the naysayers and what they deemed necessary or a bit much! That alone takes me to the thought that people have when they say, “it doesn’t take all of that!” But GUESS WHAT???? It takes THAT and MORE! 🙌🏾😭💛

Being in the Presence of God will have you on cloud nine, at times, experiencing life and doing things spiritually that you may have never done before or wouldn’t do, had you not entered into the fellowship with Christ!

You have to know what season of life you’re in. Some seasons it’s God and Work! Others seasons it’s God simply saying, “Get with me! Be with Me! Sit at MY FEET!” No matter where He has you in this season, commune with Him and embrace the moments you get to be in His Presence!

You have to decide if you’re going to operate in the flesh or the spirit! This goes back to Bible study where Elder Chris spoke on feeding the flesh or feeding the spirit! The posture that you take will show exactly what you’re feeding.

Elder Dunnican made a statement: Leave Her alone, if you mean her NO GOOD! May I also include, people in general! Woman to Woman! Man to Man! Friend to Friend! Don’t let your flesh rule! If you’re not aiming to be pleasing to Christ, don’t block your brothers or sisters in Christ from going deeper with God! Know your process and season! If you don’t like it or can’t get with it, then hush and let them be great in the Presence of God! Let them embrace who they are in Christ! You get in alignment and in order with Christ, so that you can experience the same thing! It’s okay to have seasons of separation before God, with just the two of you! Let God work on you while you’re in that season!


Elder Dunnican gave three points for us to take from the message!

✨You can’t concern yourself with the opinions of others.
✨God will defend you! Every fight isn’t yours!
✨Do not compare your contribution to others. Don’t let people dim your light to make others feel better!

Go Forth In God!

Chosen we’re going into a new quarter in just a few days, I encourage us all to go over notes, go back and listen/watch the services from the last 4 weeks! Take what you need! Resubmit to Christ and let Him lead you!

I will leave you with each week’s focus!

✨Remember Your Name and what God has said about you! Get free from what’s burning you from knowing your true identity in Christ!

✨God sees You! He’s El Roi! There is NOTHING that will surprise or shock God! He saw and knew ALL before your creation!

✨It ain’t nothing but a thang! Stop struggling with things that won’t draw you any closer to Christ! Release the burdens and baggage that God didn’t give to you to carry! Drop them off at the nearest altar and don’t kick them back up!

✨Prepare for Jesus! Stay postured before God in total surrender despite what’s going on around you and despite what folks may say or feel! Don’t be concerned with the faces and voices! Let them take their issues to God and you continue to prepare! Prepare yourself for total surrender to Jesus!

I love you all!

Yalonda ✨ (YOLO Signing out ✌🏾)


Tralena - March 26th, 2024 at 2:16pm

Leave her alone, She's preparing Jesus!!! I love it. For me it reminded me to mind my business as well!! Too often we're focused on everything else but what we are supposed to be doing for Jesus! Great wrap up of Sunday and Women’s History Month!

Yalonda - March 26th, 2024 at 5:25pm

That’s good! Minding my business and doing what is pleasing to God! Keep the Main thing the MAIN THING! 🙌🏾



