After Sunday Wrap Up

We’ve had some time to ponder on the WORD that was brought forth on Sunday! Dr. Tiffany delivered such a beautiful MESSAGE, that is still resonating within me! Hagar has held a special place in my heart for quite some time! I battled so much with wanting to be seen, accepted and validated by all the wrong things and people.

Hagar represents so many who have become lost, confused, lonely and depleted because they fail to see themselves the way God sees them. Life, culture and environment has placed an identity on them that they forget who they are. Their worth and value are seen at the hands of someone and something else.

Dr. Tiffany spoke for us to not allow others to block us from seeing the TRUTH of who God already said that we were.

It’s somewhat human nature to want some form of connection, acceptance and to be seen. The issue lies in who is actually seeing us and who we want to truly be seen by.

It’s one thing to be seen by others, but when we get the memo from God, “that we are not forgotten and that we are HIS, things hit differently. You get a new ounce of boldness and confidence you’ve never experienced before. You begin to heal from so much! You begin to walk like you matter, because YOU DO MATTER!

We waste lots of time wanting to be seen by the wrong people that it hinders us from walking in our true identity of Christ and walking in purpose. We seek to be validated by others when God Chose us and loved us even before our conception!

God knows and sees everything and a gave His stamp of approval daily to go forth as HIS CHILD!

God knows and sees our heart when life has handed us some pretty tough moments, so as we cling to Him life becomes worth it no matter how we feel. Despite the feelings, God walked and walks through it all with us. How do I know? You’re reading this which means there’s life in you to keep going and to keep trusting God.

Nothing is out of sight from God. Knowing the depths of how God sees us through scriptures like, Psalm 139:15,16 gives so much comfort. God knew and He knows; YET, He still CHOOSES US! Whether we’ve caused our own pain, or others caused some heartbreak, God cares enough about us to still love us. Whew Jesus! That’s love! Nothing is GREATER than the LOVE OF GOD!

Dr. Tiffany gave a description of her friend that I feel expresses the depths of some of who God is! Radically Present! God truly is RADICALLY PRESENT! No matter the nature and cause of what’s happening in our life, HE IS RADICALLY PRESENT! He defies the odds to love, care and SEE us each and every day!



Eric Copeland - March 13th, 2024 at 5:43pm

EL ROI! What a powerful message! 🔥

Craig - March 13th, 2024 at 8:32pm

Great recap!!!! 🔥🔥💪🏾🙌🏾. He sees us!!

Tralena - March 21st, 2024 at 1:36pm

I identify with you. I too used to look for people to see me but how wonderful is it to know that we matter to God and He sees us. Not only that, He's the only one we really need to be seen by!! I love how you said that God gives us His stamp of approval!! It's Him that chooses us!! 🙌🏾