Why Me?

Ever uttered the words, “why me?” Only to be hit with, “why not you?” A couple of things flow through my mind when I’ve uttered these words. I’ve either been placed in a situation that’s pulled me out my comfort zone, small thinking has developed in my mind and I don’t think I have what it takes to accomplish the task before me and finally, I didn’t sign up for the heartbreak, or the trauma of life…NONE OF THAT! Hand that Task to somebody else! 🤷🏾‍♀️

Regardless as to your WHY ME, the emphasis stands that YOUR focus is on YOU! What YOU can’t do! Why YOU can’t go! Why! Why! Why! No matter how we view it or even the legitimate reason as to WHY, we’re placing so much esteem on ourselves than we need to! We’re thinking more highly of ourselves than we are supposed to!

Jesus cried out in the Garden, PLEASE TAKE THIS CUP…YET, I WANT YOUR WILL…! NOW if He had to step outside of Himself, despite how how He felt, how much more do YOU think you’re exempt from some of the same things! We’re so focused on US and what’s going on with US to the point of selfishness that we miss the very thing that God desires to do!

I’ve started to shift my thinking when I want to ask the question of Why Me?, to “Lord Let’s do this! Whatever you have called me to do will be done in Your Name and for Your Glory!” It’s a DAILY PRESS! Some days I get it and other days welllll 🥴 There’s Much Work to do and we MUST die daily! 😬 Whew! Shifting the focus back to God assures us that God has this and it’s not in our strengths! It lets the enemy know that, “you may think this isn’t going to get done, but with God nothing is impossible! You forgot who my entourage is! You forgot WHO my Poppa was! Ha!”

Take the pressure and limit off of yourself and place it on God. You’re not that big and mighty to control everything in your life. Trust Me! I tried being Baby Jesus over my own life and welllllll….Epic fail! 0/10 I DO NOT RECOMMEND!

Jesus’ pain and CRUCIFIXION paved the way for us to have access to the Holy Spirit, Direct connection to God through prayer and worship! Nothing we could ever go through compares to Jesus Crucifixion. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! So that’s WHY it’s YOU!!

Stop fighting the growth and process and just flow with it! Let God Process you through the Process!

It’s You because God called you to it! It’s You because He has anointed you for this moment! It’s You because when you said Yes, there weren’t any stipulations that gave you an out to not do what God is saying! It’s You because God has given you everything you need! And furthermore, it’s you cause GOD SAID SO!! 🥴😬🙌🏾😁



✨Luke 2:22
✨Luke 9:23-24
✨Zechariah 4:6
✨Matthew 19:26
✨Luke 1:37
✨Matthew 27:45-61
✨Psalm 22:1
✨John 16:5-15

Oh and it’s YOU because when you connected with CHOSEN you came under alignment with the Scripture vision of the Ministry‼️

“But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.”

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭2‬:‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

💢💢For every reason you could possibly give on why it can’t or shouldn’t be you, SUBMIT and SURRENDER it to GOD! Then wait for Him to reveal things to you! There’s a PURPOSE for us all! You’re not exempt because of your past, because of your hurt or because of anything you did! God CHOSE you before your conception, knowing what you would endure and how you would stray! He got you! Prove the enemy wrong! Go forth the way God has called you too!


Jameka Bennett - February 8th, 2023 at 4:54am

I surrender to you God, have your way! This was SO good🙌🏾🙌🏾 we are CHOSEN💞

Tralena - February 8th, 2023 at 5:34am

Why Not You?! Whew!!! Remembering that I have been CHOSEN for this! 🙌🏾🙏🏽

Asia W. - February 8th, 2023 at 6:09am

Lord, have your will over my life. WHY NOT ME? Thank you for choosing me! AMEN!

Shalonda P - February 8th, 2023 at 7:25am

I surrender God! No more trying to do it my way then question why me! Use me Lord .. 🙏🏾

Christina Warfe - February 8th, 2023 at 7:47am

At the end of the day, knowing why doesn't change the situation we might find ourselves in. Doesn't change that we have to face whatever is before us. Whether we overcome or not is really based on how we approach and deal with it. I will fail at being "baby Jesus" every time, but if I submit to the Lord he has provided everything I need to succeed! Thank you Jesus! Help me to get out of your way everyday, no matter what life looks like and what comes my way!

Kachema - February 8th, 2023 at 8:50am

I use to ask this question often, "Why Me." As I sit here and reflect in gratefulness where God has truly brought me from, it is an honor to be chosen by my Father!!! I know it is all for His glory🙌🏽🙏🏽❤️ I know that I know God has a glorious plan for my life, my husband, my children, my grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so on!!! Who wouldn't serve a Mighty God like this 🙌🏽

Melissa C - February 8th, 2023 at 9:10am

Lord! I have ALWAYS been a WHY ME person and always thinking I’m alone. I’m learning so much about you that I have no desire to turn back and to realize that I am CHOSEN is making me to desire more of you. Lord have your way with me and help guide me to never lose focus. I surrender to YOU 🙏🏽🙌🏽🙏🏽🙌🏽

Darcy - February 8th, 2023 at 10:33am

"Stop fighting the growth and process"... OUCH!! Much needed word today 🙏

Dashauna Cotton - February 8th, 2023 at 10:50am

Whew! This message was powerful cause I often found myself asking the same question to God, “Why Me”. Until no more! I’m surrendering all to you father, laying all burdens, worries, trauma, doubtful emotions, and fear at your feet. Allow you’re will to be done within me dear God.. thank you lord for this mighty message this morning 🙌🏽💛💪🏾 I am CHOSEN!

Larry shepherd - February 8th, 2023 at 10:52am

I once said why me,then when I was rescued out of the dark and yes it's me that serves the lord and let the light shine on me🙏