Hey FAMILY! šŸ’› We have truly missed each and everyone of YOU! It didnā€™t hit us just how much we love worshipping as ONE on Sundays until we werenā€™t together! Weā€™re grateful and appreciative of Pastor Craig for stepping outside the ā€œreligious box,ā€ and allowing God to guide him to make this decision! We know there are more than likely a lot of questions because of the decision, but SELF-CARE is a MUST! Iā€™m praying that we all took the time to truly tune in within ourselves and grab hold of the importance of self-care! More importantly, know that one of the Main Things that should always be apart of our Self-Care is God-Care!

Oh yeahā€¦You thought it was all about you, huh? Yep and No! As a child of God, it will never always just be about YOU (US). Our goal and aim in life is to be more like Christ daily! To die to self and allow more of God to shine forth!

Whatā€™s amazing is that when you make time for God, FIRST, He will make sure everything else falls into place!! He will give you Peace that surpasses all understanding!

Matthew 6:33 says,

ā€œBut first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being rightā€”the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.ā€

As we connect with God on a personal level, daily, He will surely tell us those things that we need to let go of, grab hold of and fine tune! You see there is no way to become a better person, parent, friend, Servant, if we donā€™t first allow God to work things in and through us!

When we think of Self-Care we think of things that will rejuvenate us, give us peace, calm our anxious and weary hearts! The reality is that God can do that without the added additives!

Since God is WHO HE IS, He makes it possible for us to add other self-care measures into our daily and weekly routines.

What are some of the self-care practices that you engage in? Massages, Walks, working out, reading, praying, journaling? Those and more can also be added into your daily time of allowing God to minister to you.

Iā€™ve had massages where I kept my worship music in my headphones and I was able to pray within myself, Going on Prayer Walks, worshipping while working out! I think sometimes we get in our head entirely too much and think that there is only one way to enter in Godā€™s Presence! Weā€™ve been wired that way for so long that our time and fellowship with God is so routine that we may be missing out on some amazing time in Godā€™s Presence!

When I first started to pray at the beginning of my Walk with Christ, I didnā€™t know what to say! I wasnā€™t an ā€œout loudā€ person. I found it hard to talk to God, whom I couldnā€™t see! So I began writing my prayers out! For me that was the start of me being able to pray boldly before God in my personal times with Him. Til this day, I still continue to incorporate Journaling my prayers as well as praying out loud before God.

I had to learn that my relationship with God isnā€™t going to be the same routine as another persons! David speaks of Godā€™s role in making us uniquely different (Psalm 139:13-15)! We were created for a purpose and each of us are fearfully and wonderfully designed!

With the uniqueness, wouldnā€™t it make sense for our unique way of being to also signify that we will each have a special bond with God and we will engage with Him the way that He has orchestrated us too!

No matter how God has ordained you to meet with HIM, the importance is that you MAKE that time to meet with him! The way you schedule dates with friends, make a work schedule, make a schedule for kids bedtimes, you should  do the same for the time you spend with God.

Just recently I started setting Alarms during the day so that I could meet with God. During those moments, I will stop what Iā€™m doing and take time to spend with God. Itā€™s not always the quantity, but the quality! Granted there are days where the times that I have set has gone on for hours! Then there are other times where Iā€™m only 10 minutes in and Iā€™m sending forth my Amen! Iā€™ve had times with God in my prayer closet at home, in the grocery store, in the car, on the porch, wherever Iā€™ve felt led to pray and meet God! During those moments I wasnā€™t going to let anything stop me from meeting Him! I have a close friend who one day started praying in the middle of us talking! It had me stuck for a few seconds šŸ˜‚ because I was NOT READY, but I eventually grabbed hold of God and joined in with my hallelujahs and Thanks! Lol! Itā€™s those spontaneous moments that keeps the fire going! I wasnā€™t  missing out on that blessing! I slept good that night too!! šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø All God! Now I am in expectation of those out the blue prayers in the middle of us laughing, talking and just in awe of God!  Itā€™s not everyday, but Iā€™m always expecting it now! šŸ’›šŸ’›

God Created you in the likeness of Him, so consult Him on how you and Him should meet up and spend time together! Whether you believe it or not, God desires for you to enter in His presence and He desires to meet you! He loves you that much that Heā€™ll meet you right where you are!

John 17:20-25 speaks of Jesus wanting us right where He is so that we can see the Glory of God flowing through Him and being able to witness such an amazing experience!
The importance here is that you take time to meet God. The way you take time to engage in your self-care do the same with God.

God- Care:

- [ Make prayer a daily lifestyle!! Pray throughout the day as well as having set times to meet God
- [ ] Spend time in your WORD daily! If youā€™re not a reader, then start out using the YouVersion App and starting a plan. Some plans can go for 3 days and others 365 days.
- [ ] Connect with other Faith inspiring men and women! We have men and women groups that meet regularly through the month and also groups on the app. There are so many ways to connect with others at Chosen who could help you grow closer to God.
- [ ] Journal if you like to write
- [ ] Listen to worship music
- [ ] Watch a faith based movie

There are many different things you could engage in that allows you to have sufficient God-Care moments!

Just as Self-Care builds you up and helps you to feel rejuvenated and refreshed, taking time to include God-Care will build you up even greater!

Let Us know some of your God-Care Moments or some of the things you will start to incorporate to have that special one on one time with God!

Remember there is, ā€œNO SELF-CARE WITHOUT GOD-CAREā€
          āœØPastor Craig

ā­ļø Yalonda (YOLO) šŸ˜‰šŸ™ƒ


Tralena - July 22nd, 2022 at 2:13pm

I love this! The best self-care is inviting God into those moments with you. As many moments as possible!


Evonne - July 26th, 2022 at 12:38pm

Awesome! I love it God care



